
Sewing project rekindled

Recently I have been working on an evening dress, which has plodded along with few hitches and much cursing while treading a sewing machine. All was well until I got to the zipper. The bane of my existence...I don't know what the heck I'm doing and have compromised by using google and weird presser feet to accomplish nothing. My mother will be coming to my aid at some point. I also have another project on the tabe, a tailcoat, which should look something like this when done. I don't expect it to be particularly exciting at all, but will plod along painfully until success (or at least eternal anguish) has been achieved.

Also, check out this website. It deals with graphic design, and if you're at all interested in product identity, interior design, or anything dealing with graphic arts, I highly recommend it as both an interesting read/look, or as a fountain of ideas. Enjoy!


Day of No Return

Today is a gross, flat, bland, unhelpful, unlucky, useless, atrocious, wasted, terrible, disgusting, hateful, horrible, corrupt, slimy, oily, ridiculous, evil, shady, sketchy, slithery, morbid, monstrous, fail-able, maiming, sick, dead, deceiving, vile, opposing, warty, sour, bitter, gruesome, unattractive, fat, villainous, lying, listless, putrid, stupid, dirty, terrible, pompous, tricky, vixen, atrocious, hacking, viscus, loitering, ill, retching, hated, and grueling.

Today is a Monday, and I have no wish to write even my atrocious brand of ill-conceived social commentary.


Future Nonsense

As a high school junior this year, a lot of important goings-on about my life are happening in quick succession. Namely class rank, GPA, and Advance Placement (AP) tests. I've already taken the SAT, but plan to take it again. However, many things have already happened that I can't exactly do-over.
Firstly is my GPA. While I can change that, and plan too, I can't do much. Which apparently some people don't understand. Just because I work really hard this year isn't going to make my GPA jump up to stellar. It's an AVERAGE people. I slacked off freshman year when everything seemed far away and comfortably blurry, and now I'm stuck with that.
Secondly, I get to contend with my class rank. Compared to my peers. All of my crazy-driven, stellar, super-smart friends and enemies. I know, I know. Every kid thinks their school is hard, I'm just some whiny slacker right? WRONG. Google LASA High School. What comes up? Well, let me count the things. Our robotics team BEAT NASA. One of us got the SIEMENS scholarship. My school is full of geniuses, and I'm what seems like the only normal kid. This means that my SAT scores have to be phenomenal to get into colleges I want.
That's another thing, college. I understand that places like Princeton, Stanford, Brown, Washington & Mary, Yale, Harvard, and Cal Tech are all great schools, and they NEED to be selective, or else they would be taking in about half the nation, but does it really mean failure if you don't get in? No. I'm perfectly fine going to an in-state college and living in an apartment. If I can live a comfortable (not perfect) life doing a job that I love, that's success enough for me. I don't need to be an engineer and make $80,000 a year to feel like I accomplished something.
I want to be a waitress, a bartender, major in communication design (advertising) and work a mid-level job and live in an apartment. I'm not going to set my sights on something that unobtainable before I'm 50. I want to work for now, tomorrow, and next week. Not ten years, my children, and my retirement plan. Is that so bad?


Why Texans freak out over frozen water

This morning when I woke up, it was sleeting. My brother (who was going to stay home sick) promptly got very excited and started yelling out the window "SNOW! SNOW!". He did not look sick anymore. The ride to school was similar to being dive-bombed with powdered sugar (or at least that's what I think it would be like). Needless to say, when the snow started accumulating over first period, the school freaked out. Kids were running around the halls, yelling and laughing. Multiple snowball fights were going on in the courtyard. Our principle came outside to tell us to stop, got hit with a snowball, and then scurried inside to avoid another pegging. Later in computer science, I was IMing my cousin who lives in Chicago. While my overly excited mood may be shared by my classmates, my cousin didn't see the novelty. I understand that this view is held by many across the USA.
The thing is, we don't get snow in Texas. Rarely we get ice, but ice isn't that impressive. You can get ice from your freezer. Snow, however, is magical. To someone who lives where 100+ degree days are not only normal but expected during the summer, something even close to resembling Narnia is amazing. While many people across the nation may think we're crazy for liking frozen water that blocks streets and makes getting up in the morning a pain, at least the Texans I've met never really outgrow the fascination.
The only downer to this day was the fact that we didn't get out early. Something about our budget...
But all in all, this has been a pretty fantastic day...until I have to walk home at least.


If you love Twilight, I have a bone to pick with you

Okay, so I work in a bookstore. It's a great job. And as with any retail job, I occasionally deal with the type of person that I can't stand. Usually this happens about once a month. And even then, it's about a one, maybe two minute contact. No big deal. But this past week, I have dealt with the same type of person, three days in a row, about five times a day. This type of person is high-pitched, ecstatic, thinks their so "indy", has an IQ of about negative twenty, and is clutching their newly found copy of the Twilight saga in neon-tipped fingers. These traits, when separated, are something that I can deal with. When combined into one person, who insists on asking my opinion of Edward and his "hotness factor", I start to get aggitated, and usually spend the next five minutes ranting to my unfortunet co-worker about the idiocity of these people. So here is my case AGAINST Twilight fangirls.
1. The Twilight Saga is a piece of literature. This means that even if the author describes every single detail of a character, from how tall they are to how often they pick their nose, everyone is going to imagine these characters differently. One persons idea of a "hot, italian waiter with a slight five 'o clock shaddow" is not the same as anothers. This is why Harry Potter orignally had some casting issues. Everyone related with the characters differently, and so if the directors cast someone who didn't fit someone's pre-concieved ideas of them, they were more than likely to get angry letters asking for another actor.
2. Yes, Stephenie Meyer created a new breed of vampire. This hybrid nightwalker and angsty youth has captivated the hormonal turmoil that Edwards fangirls have running through their blood stream. He has dominated their image of a perfect boyfriend. Gentle, caring, devoted, strong, and basically unatainable. The perfect boyfriend in contrast with the selection at their highschool. He's the stuff of dreams, love stories, and movies. It's sad how devoted this fanclub can become. I'm not against having a crush on a book character, but really? Have you sunk to this level?
3. I would have more respect for the books if it was originally writen to be a fairy-tale, but no. It was ment to be a romance novel. A teen geared heart-throb. Good job Mrs. Meyer, you succeeded. But the books have turned into their own version of an action hero-saves-girl. It's pathetic. In my biased opinion, Mrs. Meyer should have stayed at the first book. Left it there. But no. She had to continue. Create her own private army of fantasy-creating teenagers.
4. Lastly, do you honestly want to be a vampire? You would give up everything you know to live forever? In your mentors own words, "If you could live forever, what would you live for?". Please, put down your book, give it some thought. Do you feint at the sight of blood? Your out. Do you think you could leave your friends? Your out. Actually give this some thought people. I'm telling you, its not going to be as fun as you think is.